Very often I questioned myself: "Who
am I?" And I couldn’t find quite clear answer. Only in Astrology
I was able to find what I was looking for, why I feel and act in
certain ways and what lies deep inside me.
A Natal Astrological Chart can describe
the qualities of a person in every detail and many aspects, and
each of them is formed by a certain location of Sun, Moon and other
planets in the space at certain time. I was amazed how exactly my
astrological chart reflects and describes my personality and character.
I will depict only 3 most important
aspects from my natal chart. In combination they build my personality
out of 2 main elements - fire and water. The Earth and Air elements
are less expressed in my natal chart, so it is my lifetime goal
to develop them as well. |
Those 3 aspects are - |
The Sun was in Sagittarius sign (Fire element) at
the moment of my birth |
The Moon was in Cancer sign (Water
element) at the moment of my birth |
My Ascendant was in Scorpio sign (Water
element) at the moment of my birth |
My Sun |
When I was born, the Sun was in a fiery
Sagittarius sign. This sign may be associated with centaur or archer with
his arrows, who "boldly goes where no one has gone before".
Sagittarius (Sag) is explorer, traveler and big lover of adventures -
in both - regional and scientific senses. I always loved, loved, loved
to travel, and mostly to distant places. I guess it is my destiny to find
many homes in different countries. I visited many of them in Asia, Europe
and America, and wherever I have been - I felt like at home! |
Sag loves to study and teach, and this
is very suitable to me. I have many subjects to study professionally and
for fun. I wish I had more time to be able to embrace all of them in a
short period of time. I used to be a dance teacher for many years, and
it is wonderful and useful experience in my life. |
Sag also is known as a person with philosophic
attitude. I wouldn’t call myself a philosopher, but I like to think about
the Universe and how it constructed and to read books about esoteric sciences
such as Astrology, Tarot, Yoga and psychology. |
As far as character concerned, Sag is known
as funny, enthusiastic and high principal person. This is pretty much
I like to laugh and joke and prefer to believe in a good outcome
of any venture no matter how hard it is. |
Very often Sagittarian people are characterized
as too straightforward and blunt. I have those qualities as well. My ability
not to afraid to tell anyone the unwanted truth has earned some enemies
in my past, so I learned to be careful with this. |
As a fiery person Sagittarius is very imaginative
and full of creative ideas, but he or she always has a difficulty to finish
what he or she has already started. This is also about me. At the beginning
of some project I am so exited and full of ideas, but as this project
goes on I tend to lose my interest and slow down, because I got another
new and interesting project, which preoccupies my mind. I am trying to
work on and handle this habit lately, but it is not easy for me… |
The Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius sign,
is a biggest planet in our solar system and it brings to all Sagittarian
people the qualities to think big, to act big and to want the biggest.
I possess those qualities too. I tend sometimes to exaggerate things.
I have hard time shopping; it is very, very difficult for me to bye just
one thing, but not two or three. When I am working on a project, I tend
to go longer way, but better one. I guess it makes me to be a perfectionist,
but sometimes it’s not good in situation where the project has to be completed
fast. |
The Jupiter is also known as a lucky planet,
so all Sagittarians are considered to be lucky people. Yes, I guess I
can say that I am lucky person, I have wonderful parents, I’ve met so
many beautiful people, and many things in my life just happened really
in magical way, so I am lucky… |
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My Moon |
At the moment of my birth the Moon was
in watery Cancer sign and it represents very essential and private part
of myself. Generally Moon represents all feminine and emotional qualities
of the person (both men and women). If the Sun as a masculine force is
very influential for the man, the influences of the Moon are very important
for the women. |
The Water is a common symbol of feeling.
Cancer is a water sign and its key words are "I feel". This
position of the Moon gave me a lot of sensitivity, ability to feel deeply
and love for home and family. In some way, it is a contradiction to my
Sagittarian easiness and striving for freedom. I guess it makes me not
an easy partner - I want family very much, but at the same time I don’t
like to feel confined. |
The ruler of Cancer sign is Moon. Moon
is responsible for the realm of feeling and unconsciousness, so it itself
intensifies the emotional impact within the person who is born under the
Cancer sign. My astrologer Lesley said to me: "Your waters run very
deep." And she is right, if I am not controlling it, the power of
my emotions may destroy me. Some my close friends call me A Little Monster because of this quality. |
The Cancer Moon gave me the gift of intuition.
Very often I can really sense the situation, but it is very difficult
to explain how it works. I just know exactly that it comes not from my
mind, but rather from my heart. |
The Moon is never the same, she is constantly
changing. Some of my friends tell me that I can have "nine Fridays
on the week", and it’s true. My moods always change, and even
I often surprised how fast it is happening. |
Cancer Moon gave me some artistic talents
such as dancing, drawing, painting and writing. Currently I am trying
to incorporate all of them in the computer science. |
People born under the Cancer usually are
good parents, and it was always natural to me to take care of somebody.
The bad thing about it is for very long time I was the one who needed
a lot of care from other people. But I’ve learned that I must be on my
own feet and be able to take care of myself first of all, and then
it has given me the opportunity to take care about others. |
Another very unique quality of Cancer is
the difficulty to let go. The animal cancer can clutch very hard. It has
been always very hard for me to let go of something or someone! I am still
in the process of learning that something must die in order to give life
for something new. In this lesson my Scorpio side is there to help me… |
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My Ascendant |
The Ascendant is the cusp of the first
house in the wheel of the astrological chart, and it influences entire
horoscope of the person and largely describes the personality. The Ascending
sign is reflected in part in everything what person does, it is astrological
signature of an individual. It describes personal manners, abilities,
physical characteristics and appearance of the person. |
My Ascendant (Rising sign) was in Scorpio
at the moment of my birth. |
Scorpio is a water sign as well as Cancer,
which even more emphasize my emotional intentness. One of the key words
for the Scorpio sign is "Deep". It’s a lifetime tusk for
Scorpio to search and explore the depths of a deep sea of his or her soul. |
I was always fascinated by a mystery of
Scorpio people, and I was surprised when learned that I possess some qualities
of Scorpio! For the most part of my life I didn't know about that, I have
learned it recently, and it has given me so much insight and better understanding
of myself. |
Deep passion and intense action are the
most common and basic qualities of Scorpio. I guess I have that too. What
ever I do, I do it with all my heart and passion. Sometimes I even tend
to overdo things (this also comes from my Sagittarius side). |
Scorpios are known for their penetrating
insight and ability to see other people right through. I am not sure if
I am able to do that, but it seems I can feel and understand what person
feels at the moment. It is really subtle sensation and it is hard to explain
by words. |
Scorpios are very introverted, private,
secretive and shy people, and it is definitely about me. Only my very
close friends really know me. I prefer not to let anyone to get into my
private world, so I guess the notion that Scorpios are mysterious and
enigmatic people is also refers to me. |
Scorpios are said to be a sexiest people
in the world. I am not going to reveal my sexuality; I only say that many
men told me that I look pretty sexy and have a seductive smile. I don’t
mind… |
Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio sign. Pluto
is a God of death and life after death. This gives to Scorpios the powers
of emotional, mental and physical resurrection and regeneration, ability
for transformation and to live several lives in one. Since I started my
new career in computer science field, I really feel like I am born again. |
Mars is a co-ruler of Scorpio sign. Mars
is a planet of fire and war and it brings tremendous power and strong
will to people born under Scorpio sign. It may be compared to the power
of seething volcano, which is almost impossible to control. I guess, for
a long time I was misusing this quality and trying to control other people
instead of utilizing it for my personal growth. But I’ve learned my lesson,
and it was very painful lesson… |
I guess the power of Scorpio helps me to
overcome almost impossible barriers, which I never thought I’d be able
to overcome, but I do, I still do, and it makes me to stay alive… |
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